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How To Set Your Auth Code

  1. To set the auth code, go to: https://www.encirca. com/myaccount/
  2. Log in using customer’s EnCirca username and password.
  3. Select the ‘modify domain’ screen after logging in.
  4. After entering desired auth code in the box called “Authorization Info,” select ‘continue’ and then ‘commit’ to save your changes.

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How To Unlock Your Domain

  1. Go to: https://www.encirca.com/myaccount/
  2. Log in using customer’s EnCirca username and password
  3. Click “Domains” then “List Domains” (left side of page)
  4. Enter domain name in question, hit “Continue”
  5. This will bring up a summary of the domain record
  6. Click on the Y or N link under “Unlocked?” ; this will open an editable version of record
  7. Next to the word “Unlocked?” there is a drop down box; choose Yes to unlock the domain or choose No to lock it
  8. Click “Continue”
  9. Review changes, click “Confirm”

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Update your A record and IP records

Table of contents

To redirect your domain using an A Record or IP address, please follow the directions below. If you need any further assistance, please create a ticket on our helpdesk or contact us via the livechat function to speak to us directly. DNS system changes depend on your domain name.


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  1. Go to: dnsadmin.encirca.com/auth
  2. Log in, using your customer EnCirca username and password
  3. Once logged in, find the “zone” (domain name) you want to update.
  4. Zone files are listed alphabetically; use page links at top of page to scroll down the list until you locate the name you want
  5. Click on the link of that name
  6. Select "IP ADDRESSES"
  7. Enter the IP address in the "Numeric IP" section
  8. Save


The procedure requires two factor authentication (2FA). If you are not familiar with 2FA using AUTHY click here for more info.

  1. Go to: https://encirca.com/dnsedit
  2. Log in, using your customer EnCirca username and password
  3. Once logged in, enter your Authy 2FA token
  4. Click on the domain name you want to update.
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the screen to "Add"  info
  6. Add "A" record
  7. Enter www in the "Label" field
  8. Enter the IP address in the "IPv4 Address" section
  9. Press "Update"
  10. Repeat steps 5-8 to add A record without a label
  11. Hover to the right of the records you are replacing and click on the "X" to delete them
  12. "Update" and "Confirm" to save all changes

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How to change your nameservers for a domain name.

The default EnCirca nameservers are:

  • dns1.encirca.net
  • dns2.encirca.net


  1. Login to your account:  https://www.encirca.com/myaccount/
  2. You will be brought to your list of domains.  Click on the domain you would like to modify.
  3. Select MODIFY
  4. Check off the box next to the current nameservers to delete
  5. You need a minimum of two nameservers.  Enter the new nameserver in the “Nameserver Name” field and hit ADDNS.
  6. Repeat step 5 for additional nameservers.
  7. Select Continue
  8. Select Commit

Changes may take 24-48 hours to fully propagate.

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Updating Whois Records

Updating Whois contact handle

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This is the information that is publicly available when you do a whois search for your name. Login to your account here: https://www.encirca.com/myaccount/. You should see a list of the domains in your account.

  1. Choose the contact you would like to modify by selecting the handle to the right of the domain name. These handles are located in the "Admin Contact", "Tech Contact", "Billing Contact" or "Registrant" columns (ie. ENCIRCA-xxxx).
  2. Select "Modify".
  3. Make appropriate updates and changes.
  4. Select "Continue".
  5. Select "Confirm".
  6. Upon successful contact modification you will see the message "The contact was successfully modified".

Changing the NAME, ORGANIZATION or EMAIL ADDRESS is a more complicated process.

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  1. Click "Change Registrant".
  2. Remove checkmark to opt-out of 60-day lock.
  3. The old (losing) registrant will receive an email with a link to accept the change and a pin.
  4. Once the old (losing) registrant confirms the change, the new (gaining) registrant will receive an email accepting the change and a pin.
  5. Once the new (gaining) registrant confirms the change, the contact data will be updated.

Updating your Customer Record

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  1. This is your internal contact information. EnCirca will use this information to contact you about important account and domain information.
  2. Log in at https://www.encirca.com/myaccount/.
  3. In the left menu under "Customer Record", click "List Customers".
  4. Select the handle you would like to update.
  5. Select "Modify".
  6. Update the customer info.
  7. Be sure to place a “Y” in the Registration Agreement field.
  8. Select "Continue"
  9. Select "Confirm"
  10. Upon successful contact modification you will see the message "The Customer's information was successfully updated."

Updating the Contact Address and/or Billing Info records:

  1. Login to: https://www.encirca.com/signin/.
  2. Select "Update Account Information".
  3. Update Information.
  4. Select "Save".

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2FA - Authentication with Authy

  1. Log in to https://www.encirca.com/signin/
  2. In the Settings box click on 'Update Account Information'
  3. Enter your mobile number
  4. At the left bottom of the screen, make sure to click the check box 'Setup for 2FA'
  5. Then, click "Save" on the lower right.
  6. You will then receive a text message to install and register the app on your smartphone.
  7. When making changes to your domain name, you will be asked to enter the code you get from the authy app.

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